Andexanet alfa


CATAG has developed this document to facilitate and support the translation of best available evidence into practice for the use of andexanet alfa for adult patients receiving a direct factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor (apixaban or rivaroxaban) presenting with severe and life-threatening bleeds. The document provides consensus statements based on the current available evidence for andexanet alfa as of March 2024.

CATAG developed this document, based on the review of current literature and international cost-effectiveness reviews from Canada, UK and Scotland. An expert advisory group (EAG) was convened to review the evidence, agree on consensus statements, review drafts and feedback and approve the final position statement.

This document will assist good governance and decision-making for health service organisations, medicines and therapeutics advisory committees and health professionals. It can be used in conjunction with formulary decisions and recommendations.

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Published date

18 March 2024

Resource type

Evidence into practice

Governance topic

High-cost medicines